Drivers EDge
Drivers EDge
Education Education & Training
Drivers EDge is an approved and accredited Class 5 driving school serving Southern Alberta since 2003! We serve Lethbridge, Medicine Hat, Brooks.
Learning to drive or having a child learn to drive can be a stressful event, but it doesn't have to be! With innovative and interactive classroom instruction, students have fun while learning. At Drivers Edge, our mission is to provide training tailored to the individual in a safe and caring environment. The success of our teaching method is reflected in our high pass rates on the road test.
Rest easy knowing Drivers EDge is government-approved and accredited by Alberta Transportation, with insurance discounts available. Drivers EDge is a member in good standing of the Medicine Hat Chamber of Commerce. Learning to drive is fun - sign up and see for yourself! Refresher lessons, vehicle rental for road tests, and comprehensive learning packages are available. For more information or to book a driving time, call 403-526-9505 or toll free at 1-866-999-9505.
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